Sunday, 1 December 2013

Hello I'm Bored

Hellooooooooo people of the Internet, 

Tried so hard to kill time these two days. I didn't really know what to do other than watching dramas (which I decided to stop for awhile bc my eyes felt so tired after staring at the computer screen for a long time) and brain apparently doesn't function well during the holidays (or whenever actually aha) and I procrastinate just after doing like 3 maths questions which I know I shouldnt bc it's sucha important year next year and I promised i'd revise during the holidays..... I have so many excuses to not study omg. Going for cruise this coming monday, so many things on my mind lately and my heart just feels so heavy somehow. This cruise trip might just be the perfect getaway. Just relaxing and having my mind off things would be great, even just for a few days (; I'll probably blog about the trip when I'm back and try to take more pictures hehe! 

Yours Truly x 

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